Spring Fling



Spring Fling

—©g.a.meeder, 2016®



Spring Fling

petals of salmon

blossoms silently unfold

their hidden treasures

like lover’s do when

they make love for the first time.

—©g.a.meeder, 2016®


Star Shower

Star Shower

she had stars in her

eyes, always on YOU, until

you spoke those words that

disintegrated her heart

stars fell crashing to the earth…

—©g.a.meeder, 2016


Plethora Uprush(Spring Tide)


Plethora Uprush(Spring Tide)

a black shadow casts

itself underneath crashing

frothy feisty foam

capped sunset riding waves that

sing life back into her soul

—©g.a.meeder, 2016®

In Place of Her…

In Place of Her…

once her breath fades off
he will try to catch his in
an effort to breathe
for her even so his love
won’t release them from death’s sting.

—©g.a.meeder, 2016®

For ALL of us that has lost someone and wishes that they could have traded places or breathed life into them and for them.

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