Haiku For Breakfast

Haiku for breakfast

 steaming hot haiku

your words before me are spread

butter melting on

my first slice of warm baked bread

haunts me of his last moist kiss.

 — ©g.a.meeder, 2013,®

“A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world. “—Leo Buscaglia


A beautiful red sweetheart rose just about to bloom.
—©g.a.meeder, 2013®

“A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world. “—Leo Buscaglia

Stone Cold Train Wreck

Stone Cold Train Wreck

In what seemed like a
lightning bolt that flashed quicker
then the speed of light
with the startling discovery
of what you made
a deliberate choice to do
which pierced her to the core
yet you seem amazed
even arrogantly shocked
foolishly assuming
she was made of stone
but even stone can crack
if the conditions are right
and from every concrete slab
of internal thought
you obviously never
even minutely considered this
so guess what?
those are just the
hard facts, stone cold
of love and broken hearts
for you have become
someone who derailed yourself
out of her train of thought
she is now chugging forward
all engines thrusting
full steam ahead
in search of another
passenger of passionate
interest to sit by her
on the rebound train ride
who isn’t anything
remotely close
to the likes of you
ever, ever again.
—©g.a.meeder, 2013®


While I vacuumed the camper floors this time around I almost sucked up one of my live cats via her tail. All I can say is this, “Thank goodness we feed them bitches good.” Because *poof* she would have been gone up that shop-vac. Okay, okay people all these bitching scandals popping up out of the clear blue sky just into the early months of the Obama’s second gut-damned term. Why is that?!? Where were all their bitching little whiney beaks hiding out election time? Apparently so far stuck up the rich man’s ass they couldn’t see the light lit at the end of their tunnel vision of “let’s start a messa scandals to bring down that black guy” in the early months of his second term and then start screaming out in ecstasy & right winger unison, “Impeach the mother-fucker!” And WE ALL knew that Benghazi would be first on their list when things all settled down. Why wouldn’t the IRS go after a lot of these groups? (I am trying to think like an IRS agent here painfully too because I don’t trust them anymore than ya’ll do.) These groups build their entire propaganda/mantra bases on the theory that we shouldn’t pay our taxes to the bitches called, “Big Government” that piss, dick & screw with our/their constitutional rights and for some that is an act of rebellion to not pay their taxes. And yet the IRS targeted alleged “liberal” groups as well. Almost sorta sounds like a new form of political ammunition eh? It appears as if it was okay for the IRS under the bush brigade’s not under my watch mantra but I am above the law & gonna pull it anyway. People barely squawked but look at all them banty roosters jest a cock a doodle dooin everywhere today…And what is happening with the IRS, strikes a chord of how shall we say a connection to the ideology of, “See, didn’t we tell yas, the government is after ALL of us.” Just ask Newt Gingrich,(wonders if the IRS ever had him on their list?) he thinks all these scandals are paving the way for the next election, four freaking long years away. I still have a major headache from the last one, enough already! While listening to the NPR news today (which if I remember correctly came under fire for allegedly being slanted towards a liberal base of listeners got called on the carpet for that and they came under scrutiny themselves for their funds but FOX news is ALLOWED to maintain their lies without provocation or the government probing up inside their goody two shoes asses, but that’s another story folks.) the word for today from the reporter on there was that congress is “pursuing” the current White House temporary resident because well you know how that story goes. (it’s the 2nd term curse. Oh bull-shit.) But why is anybody PURSUING anybody? Why aren’t they pursuing what’s best for US, WE the people? The Mother’s Day Parade shootings are barely getting any attention for a neighborhood of people who live day-to-day with gunshot holes in their refrigerators, walls, loved ones and their souls.) Because see, now it is all about who is going to be president next election and they are going to downgrade this one(both sides play this little vicious game and yet they wonder why we don’t like them very well, gee, duh.) to make our candidate look a tad bit more enticing. This is why I subscribe to the idea that they should get elected for an 8 year term and be done with it. We’ve got 2 down from the IRS scandal with more heads to roll. Another mess the bush brigade left behind to contend with that they should of handled like the leaders that they weren’t when they played war games, way back when they targeted liberal groups under his watch. And all this is going to succeed in doing is bring enrollment up for the Tea Party. Guess I had better get my cats their cute little revolutionary caps and sign their paw-prints to our new memberships & well tuck a feather in your caps on that thought, because the Associated Press will be something else to deal with after I finally figure out that mess. But if there is a leak somewhere, I usually start working on the plumbing in my own home first, not search, seize and start feeling around & up the neighborhood and outside the home. (Imagine, how weird that would be if I were to come knocking on your door asking to fix your plumbing because of a leak at my place. You’d have me arrested or blow me outta my holy socks and shoes w/that illegally obtained AK-47 you just happen to have at the top of your stock-piled heap of guns and just gotta have ammo) When I get done with em, somebody will squeal and I will put some plumbers jelly sock in it. Even if it is a smelly one, they’ll just haveta deal with it smelly sock & all. —©g.a.meeder, 2013,®

IRS Targeted Liberals Under Bush

Barack Trek Into Darkness, —©Jon Stewart, The Daily Show, 2013,®

Your Moment In The Sun

"Your Moment In The Sun" ---©g.a.meeder,2013®
“Your Moment In The Sun”

Sparkle, razzle, dazzle & shine when it is your time & when you find your moment in the sun, just remember all the bright & shiny stars that lighted your paths & be grateful for them, the black holes you fell into but spun back out of, forgive yourself & others & learn from those choices that dragged you into those black holes & forgive the people who aided & abetted w/kicking you in there because they have to live w/ themselves, you will need to shine brighter in order to truly feel the warmth of your moment in the sun. So don’t give them the satisfaction of stealing a moment of your sunshine. —©g.a.meeder,2013®

Spring Fashion Show


Spring Fashion Show

white diamond studded blossoms

sparkle their budding presence

bursting against

“I miss my baby blues” skies

with leaves of spring’s promise

as she unfolds her beauty

right before our

love of color

hungry eyes.

Satisfying us with sweet reprieve

winter has finally

released us of her

incredible infinite grasp…

©g.a.meeder, 2013®


Life’s Hard Luck Lesson Plan


—©2013, a world within images, Rodney F.White II, ®

Life’s Hard Luck Lesson Plan…

People walk by me every day

some sneer and complain

“He brought this all on himself”

in their politically self-righteous,

judgmental tone

while others politely smirk

“Thank God, that’s him, not me.”

continuing on their way to work

sipping their latte’s,

fancy mochas

and freshly brewed coffees

puffing on cigarettes

exchanging small talk

unaffected by the fact

that I once taught

took pride in that fact

I knew all my students

by their first names

now I only see their faces

in the people who in turn

look down upon me

with pained expressions

never knowing what quite to say

to the old man surrounded by bags

on the park bench today

but I’ll continue to remind them

surrounded by the only evidence

i exist, therefore I am

just like you,

this wasn’t my life lesson plan

i too had dreams, loved hard,

often and well

played frequent, took risks

but fell harder then ever

and it hurt like hell.

Now I’ve fallen off the radar,

choosing to snuff out

all the bright lights

but I shall remain vigilant

to the bitter end teaching you

another cold, hard fact of life.

—© g.a.meeder, 2013®

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