

Deerfield, Ohio Sunflower Pasture—©g.a.meeder, 2022®


this day i wept tears of joy
like a mother who had
lost a wayward child
that returned after
years of distance
as spring’s early appearance
bathed us in her forgiveness, warmth
basking in the sun’s full cooperation
giving us pause
for familiar recognition
that after this rough & tumble season
riddled by an uninvited guest
who has overstayed
their welcome at best
we can once again
breathe in a sigh of relief
since spring is about to bring her beauty
bursting forward
yet all i can think about
are the people of Ukraine
all those marked bombs raining down upon them
beating them into putin’s
egomaniacial submission
i imagine the summer bloom in pastures of sunflowers with
their heads bowed in sorrow and together we wept bittersweet.

—©g.a.meeder, 2022®

—©David Garrett, 2022,®

My Garden Splendor

My Garden Splendor

black tipped golden wings

just a fluttering summer

spontaneous dinner guest

spending a fleeting moment

sipping on nectar soup

the blue plate special

from a salmon pink zinnia

in my garden of splendor

to which I find myself

honored to have her

as my dinner guest.

—©g.a.meeder, 2020®

My Garden Splendor—©g.a.meeder, 2020®




I refuse to make

any apologies for the way you make my

cheeks flush, pulse chase, heart race when

your hand brushes past my face.

—©g.a.meeder, 2017®









Strollin With Intent

Strollin with Intent

tipped his hat their way
as he took note of her
giggling with two other girls
laden with heavy face paint
strolling down maroon
cobblestoned streets
with smiling faces
glances & nods
exchanged at everyone
they’d greet & meet
he couldn’t help but
notice that nice little quiver
that made her hips shake
giving him the wanton shiver
twirling parasols under
bare assed noon sun
for fair skinned escape
his innards ached
for those soft milky legs
wrapped up all around him
with her he knew damn well
that bed would quake
one way or another
in his rich man’s way
he was gonna buy
that perty girl
with a string o’ pearls
his wife had no say
he’d do so by any means
cause that’s the way they did
many & most things
when in the brothel’s
of New Orleans….

—©g.a.meeder, ®2017




Pack Of Lies

Pack of Lies

i had written the book

cover to cover on

the philosophy

with enough hard work in life

you could achieve anything

but it’s high time

to close that damned book

on American dreams

toss that poorly written

over rehearsed book

into that heap known as

file thirteen

because it’s nothing

but a pack of damned lies

and who would know

the storyline better

than the author

who never once

saw it come true

before her very eyes?

—©g.a.meeder, 2017®


Guilty As Charged


Guilty As Charged

I had to stop the noise
for it had become my failures
from which there had been
no pause for escape
so that I could settle
my scores of ill fate
hidden within human frailties
when I realized who are
we really competing up
or against?
all these imaginary battles
in this hard fought
but easily lost race
other than ourselves
and in that moment
I didn’t even recognize
until I wiped the
condensation off
the bathroom mirror
that it was the woman
in the mirror staring
back at me
with that harsh
judgmental look
upon her face…
—©g.a.meeder, 2017®




Autumn Overture

Autumn Overture

subtle sunrays peek

in between trees sparkling

on fallen fall spun

golden sun drenched leaves, Autumn’s

soft footprints of season’s end.

—©g.a.meeder, 2015®


Mighty Reckoning

Mighty Reckoning

  You are a force to

  be reckoned with that’s what they

  say about the likes

  of someone like me when my

  tongue is set loose words fly free.

—©g.a.meeder, 2015®

Now that the day has arrived, they cry socialism.—Elizabeth A. Sherman

Send me a sign

Glorious Tithonia
©g.a.meeder, 2023®

Autumn has arrived
in all her glorious colors
but yet she lays dying
in her beauty as well
like I imagined you
choosing to die
quietly, alone
with not a soul
beside you
holding your hand
removing yourself
from the earth
as if to say
you were just
a blip on the radar screen
but I found you
to be a star radiating
the brightest of lights
so much so that
i search for you
always in my evening sky
just a wink, or a sign from you
brings me reason to smile
and celebrate you
with an appreciative sigh.

©g.a.meeder, 2023®

Glorious Morning
©g.a.meeder, 2023®
Prettiest Pink Zinnia
©g.a.meeder, 2023®
Autumn Beauty
©g.a.meeder, 2023®
Bee a Sunflower
©g.a.meeder, 2023®

Where Is Our Leader?

Where Is Our Leader?

Sitting in a bunker
upon his golden shitter
furiously typing out
nasties on twitter
inside the whitest house ever
built on the backs
of those he looks
upon as squatters
scared like the bigliest
white granddragon rat
of an ever growing
white supremacy litter.

—©g.a.meeder, 2020®
















Pearls of Wisdom

“We must allow one another to find hope wherever they can find it. Lest we become hypocritical thieves who will bear the burden
of dimming their light.”

——©g.a.meeder, 2020®

On the Nature Of Daylight
Max Richter

Six Cow Pile-up on Pasture Hill

Six Cow Pile-up on Pasture Hill

nestled between two lofty pines

lay red and white

black and white

brown and tan

rump roast beauty queens

snorting sharp wisps

of white winter breath

an impestuous rooster’s cacklings

interjects background noise

as the six cow pile up on pasture hill

doesn’t budge an inch

resting on leftovers of clover and timothy hay scraps

that didn’t quite meet their culinary palettes

but by late afternoon’s fading sun

will become a mulled over snack

my ladies of leisure

just below my kitchen window

out beyond the clothesline

brings about a stark admission

of just how much

I had come to miss this…

–©g.a.meeder, 2020®


Below are my six lovely rump roast queens:

“Sweet Pea, Vaderess, Fawn, Snowflake, Beauty, Shawnee”



Cut off one’s nose to spite his face

Cut off one’s nose to spite his face

from day one it went
from bad to worse unfiltered
thoughts rolled off
his tongue
without one thought given to
how he’d expose his own con

—©g.a.meeder, 2019®


Fever Pitch(Twilight Sing-Song)

Fever Pitch(Twilight Sing-Song)

in the crisp twilight air

with baton directive

not just from any maestro

but the silver quartered moon

the choir begins

a frenzy of chatter

chirping in staccatto

as the heat of humidity

during the day’s peak

of sun’s brutal glare

had kept them from sharing

all the latest tidbits of gossip

dashing here, there,

darting everywhere

no time! no time!

must feed hungry beaks

no time! no time!

so under starry skies

we shall now tweet

they reach fever pitch

twittering one over another

tittle tattlers in surround sound

sing song to get a

chirrup in edgewise

oh musical wonders

oblivious that any soul

could be listening in.

Oh, but we are,

along with so many others!

—©g.a.meeder, 2019®




Symphony at Dusk


Symphony at Dusk, —©g.a.meeder, 2019® 

                                                               Symphony at Dusk

the sun lays her head

upon broad earthly shoulders

as the night maestro

ushers in the starry notes

grazioso for our eyes

 —©g.a.meeder, 2019®


For John Coyote with love & respect

for understanding. 

May you find your peace.














i watched from afar

as your disease knocked the wind

out of your sails

in angst I secretly prayed

that there would be

a god to heal you.

—©g.a.meeder, 2019®




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