Six Cow Pile-up on Pasture Hill

Six Cow Pile-up on Pasture Hill

nestled between two lofty pines

lay red and white

black and white

brown and tan

rump roast beauty queens

snorting sharp wisps

of white winter breath

an impestuous rooster’s cacklings

interjects background noise

as the six cow pile up on pasture hill

doesn’t budge an inch

resting on leftovers of clover and timothy hay scraps

that didn’t quite meet their culinary palettes

but by late afternoon’s fading sun

will become a mulled over snack

my ladies of leisure

just below my kitchen window

out beyond the clothesline

brings about a stark admission

of just how much

I had come to miss this…

–©g.a.meeder, 2020®


Below are my six lovely rump roast queens:

“Sweet Pea, Vaderess, Fawn, Snowflake, Beauty, Shawnee”



Symphony at Dusk


Symphony at Dusk, —©g.a.meeder, 2019® 

                                                               Symphony at Dusk

the sun lays her head

upon broad earthly shoulders

as the night maestro

ushers in the starry notes

grazioso for our eyes

 —©g.a.meeder, 2019®


For John Coyote with love & respect

for understanding. 

May you find your peace.











Sun Shines So Pretty

Sun Shines So Pretty

winter layers us

in white diamond dust

the earth rotates on

her axis seasonally

stirring all things up

finding us here

in this moment

of discovery

that when the sun

shines so pretty it hurt

reminding us that

missing you

would hurt this much?

—©g.a.meeder, 2018®



Stellar Minx

Stellar Minx

celestial rocks break free

from intergalactic rides

streaking in their final blaze of glory

across charcoal cajun blackened skies

sprinkled with shimmering stars and planets

giving us pause to marvel

at what we romanticize as falling stars

are nothing short of amazing

but meteors cleverly disguised…

— -©g.a.meeder, 2018®


Simplicity(My Bouquet of Wisdom)

My Bouquet of Wisdom,–©g.a.meeder, 2018®

(My Bouquet of wisdom)

tiny seeds of life
that have taken root
give me a
simple pleasure
that only goes
to show
how easy to please
i have become in my life
with the smallest bouquet
of wildflowers
hand picked
for good measure.

–©g.a.meeder, 2018®


“Simplicity is not style, it is a state of harmony.”

Naoto Fukasawa







Royalty By Cosmic Design

Royalty By Cosmic Design

lifting her one pale green
and one actual brown eye
to the celestial bodies
that hung in abstract
locations as if
dangling from
black velvet sky
never had she seen
so many stars before
her road weary eyes
that she hung her
head out the passenger
side window like a child
seeing fireworks from
afar for the very first time
if only this were her
very own planetarium
with stars at her fingertips
wistfully released
a contented sigh
whereupon she identified Cassieopia
I’d be heir to the throne
of the Egyptian queen of big sky.

—©g.a.meeder, 2017®




i remain offside
quietly listening to
others as they 
dig up dirt
verbally assaulting
one another for how
they approach issues
attacking them for
opinions that differ
maintaining my distance
by keeping my upper lip stiffer
so that I maintain
some sort of strength
to pick up the remains
when they are done playing
their judgmental games
so we don’t all end up
in the same log splitter.

—©g.a.meeder, 2017®





on tiptoe we walked
as the breaking sun rays burst
forth opening up
a lush green cathedral of
redwoods chanting hymns for us.

—©g.a.meeder, 2017®


A Thief In The Night

A Thief In The Night

white halos dead straight
ahead flash like spotlights in
dense fog that has crept
wrapping itself around all
that breathes stealing their secrets

—©g.a.meeder, ®2017

Twilight Falls

Twilight Falls 

Sunbeams kiss day leaves

shimmering on lush reds, golds and russets

rippling like sun-streaked ocean waves at sunset

final rays of sunshine fade

vanishing into twilight

where celestial bodies sparkle and twinkle

awaiting the grand entrance of the moon

as she positions herself into the plush, black sky

bringing with her a mystical hush

that will silence the earth around her

leaving me alone in the world

to sit on the swing watching,waiting,

pondering inquisitively

in reverential awe

yearning for the first falling star

to leave behind its trail of cosmic dust…

—©g.a.meeder, 2017® 








Pensieri Parole e Poesie

Sono una donna libera. Nel mio blog farete un viaggio lungo e profondo nei pensieri della mente del cuore e dell anima.

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