Pearls of Wisdom

“We must allow one another to find hope wherever they can find it. Lest we become hypocritical thieves who will bear the burden
of dimming their light.”

——©g.a.meeder, 2020®

On the Nature Of Daylight
Max Richter

Simplicity(My Bouquet of Wisdom)

My Bouquet of Wisdom,–©g.a.meeder, 2018®

(My Bouquet of wisdom)

tiny seeds of life
that have taken root
give me a
simple pleasure
that only goes
to show
how easy to please
i have become in my life
with the smallest bouquet
of wildflowers
hand picked
for good measure.

–©g.a.meeder, 2018®


“Simplicity is not style, it is a state of harmony.”

Naoto Fukasawa







The Vicious Cycle (The Broken Back Workers Plight)  

The Vicious Cycle

(The Broken Back Workers Plight)  

strange where poverty leads us

the captain of unwilling vessels

steering us into false mantras

where we are told to dream

reach for those lofty stars

that if we work hard enough

we can get there

with these hands, these feet

this mind, the people we meet

but life throws so many punches

slim curves, kicks in the crotch

that it leaves black as night holes

in our misdirected souls

whereupon we once again

find ourselves back in that place

we’d hoped to have escaped.

—©g.a.meeder, 2018®





“Spinning my wheels gettin nowhere fast!”

The most commonly used & stated

“pearl of wisdom”

from all the truck driver’s

that I came to know & love in my life.

Guilty As Charged


Guilty As Charged

I had to stop the noise
for it had become my failures
from which there had been
no pause for escape
so that I could settle
my scores of ill fate
hidden within human frailties
when I realized who are
we really competing up
or against?
all these imaginary battles
in this hard fought
but easily lost race
other than ourselves
and in that moment
I didn’t even recognize
until I wiped the
condensation off
the bathroom mirror
that it was the woman
in the mirror staring
back at me
with that harsh
judgmental look
upon her face…
—©g.a.meeder, 2017®




The other day on CNN they were still corn shuckin Trumpy’s words apart from his speech trying to pander to the African American voters. Hunnies Trumpy ain’t gonna do this right by anybody unless there is something in it for him. Because he knew how low the support percentage goes for him with your support. So why would he offer up some solutions or talk to people in their own neighborhoods that he drives through and by in his limos?!? And if he did offer up something than he would lose his mostly white, effinA, “N” bomb dropping supporters. He can’t afford to lose his base because his supporters will whine about DT implementing another type of affirmative action because he would be putting your needs ahead of theirs.And they got themselves a jealous bone, dontcha know? Now, see Trumpy works from that scratch my back I’ll scratch yours mentality and since many aren’t supporting him he can at least say, I tried but they wouldn’t listen…and since if you are anything like me once I get into that voting booth, and I had to screen touch that name on the ballot, say for instance by accident, they’d be calling out the National Guard on me, because that voting booth would be turned inside out, tore up, slam dunked to the ground, expletives would be invented, chairs would be a flying cross the room before they’d get that accidently cast vote for him, they would have to get ta me first and I can scale ceilings like gut-damned spiderman….That alleged apology from Donald Trumpy was like someone who doesn’t send thank you notes fer all the shot-gun weddin presents they got & one day they run into you on the street & stumble through chit chat with you and begin the phony, thanks for the weddin gift of assorted gravy bowls and you say yer welcome cause you didn’t give them one, you only came fer the weddin cake, fer the love of no white man, greedy bastards stole my land sakes. His regrettins are upsettin because, sorry seems to be the hardest word. So how does that curdle the milk in yer cheerios today?—©g.a.meeder,2016®







Be The Music…

“Be the music you want to hear,

dance, eat, cry, laugh, ease sorrow with,

make love too.

Make it pretty, kind, soft, loud,poetic, tender,

sing-out for those that can’t as well,

however you want the world to hear you!

But always make it colorful,

because YOU are unforgetttable…

—©g.a.meeder, 2016®





Pensieri Parole e Poesie

Sono una donna libera. Nel mio blog farete un viaggio lungo e profondo nei pensieri della mente del cuore e dell anima.

Eunoia Review

beautiful thinking

The Godly Chic Diaries


Thinking Chitalia

as opposed to a “not thinking chitalia”


Open Your Mind

Travels in Finland and abroad

Discover Finland’s hidden gems


poetry and some more


Hollywood Entertainment Breaking News


as imagination bodies forth...

Captivate Motivate Educate

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Displaced Person Blog

Displaced Person: A Blog about Teaching, Writing, and Life Experience

Syl65's Blog

Poetry, music, creative writing and a desire to inspire....Isaiah 45:2-7 I will go before you and will level the mountains[a]; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. 3 I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord

Serene Grace

Poetry + Perspective