Best Of Days

Pine Tree Haven

Best of days

golden sun will lower her gaze

behind blushing stratus laced clouds

over seasonally timed

dramatic displays of sunsets

guiding us arise to kinder days

which will cast shadows

on trees that genuflect awe

in earthly praise

uttering murmurs as they wave

with chilled to a crisp night air

lightly stroking our cheeks

with secrets they can no longer keep

because soon they will play a concerto

of colors in high sopranos, in low altos

brushstroking themselves

with colors ablaze

giving us the promise of

our best of days.

—©g.a.meeder, 2016®

*Photo of Pine Tree Haven & Best of Days

Are expressively mine by artistic & creative design.

—©g.a.meeder, 2016®*

Grandstander by Default

Grandstander by Default

grandstanding is

what you do best

now you act as if

meeting with the NRA

you got the political bullets

to clean up this mess

and in some magical way

your actions will grant you

the presidency by default

because you think you got this

guess you will manipulate

your way or the highway

as always by

bully thrusting it in

one way or another

what makes you so special?

is it just because

you are who you are a

rich, fat cat, reality star?

you think?!?

—©g.a.meeder, 2016®


Cheater, Cheater Beware

Cheater, Cheater Beware

sometimes I wonder

how much longer that you think

she will play your fool

for all those cat and mouse games

that you both play

whereby you swear up and down

that you are not fully

engaged in carnal lust

paintin the town red

with you know who.

you should feel shame

but obviously not

things may change though

if you are ever caught…

cheater, cheater beware

there are eyes everywhere…

—©g.a.meeder, 2014®

Pensieri Parole e Poesie

Sono una donna libera. Nel mio blog farete un viaggio lungo e profondo nei pensieri della mente del cuore e dell anima.

Eunoia Review

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The Godly Chic Diaries


Thinking Chitalia

as opposed to a “not thinking chitalia”


Open Your Mind

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Discover Finland’s hidden gems


poetry and some more


Hollywood Entertainment Breaking News


as imagination bodies forth...

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Serene Grace

Poetry + Perspective