“In science one…

“In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it’s the exact opposite.”—Paul Dirac

Yes, we are the ones who “muse” chooses to communicate with us and does so by basically dragging us out of our beds or knocks on our doors or takes a book to our heads and we ultimately chicken scratch it on paper or hen & peck it to the keyboard to Word for you and ourselves what some of us are thinking but are lacking the balls or clueless to express…*sighs* Alas, I am honestly privileged and delighted to accomplish this. I enjoy the voices that dance inside my head and how they look once you have been kind enough to have read… —g.a.meeder,©2013®

Just a quote with a few words to accompany it for you to read, walk away with an amused smirk or smile and say, oh hell no did she just say that but guess what? I dig it, so here we roll…

Author: gingermeeder

Poet/Writer/Photographer with a free thinking mind, open for all seasons, open to all reasons, seeker of truth but have lived life with a sense of humor that has remained intact even when difficult times have come knocking at my door. Love life, people, animals and natural beauty on earth, in space and whatever and whenever I can find it on someone's faces or in their eyes. Feel the love & please do not act surprised...peace

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